Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Postpartum Wellness and Pelvic Organ Prolapse

Postpartum wellness and reproductive health are important for women throughout their lifetime to prevent the onset of conditions such as Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP) and urinary incontinence. The pelvic floor, which provides support for the pelvic organs and their connective tissues, is integral to keeping organs and tissues in place. If women do not observe proper postpartum wellness steps, such as daily Kegel exercises, pelvic tissues can weaken and cause problems later on.

What is Pelvic Organ Prolapse?
Pelvic Organ Prolapse is a condition that usually affects women during menopause. In fact, as many as 50 percent of women will be diagnosed with POP during their lifetime. POP is diagnosed when tissues and organs in the pelvic cavity begin to weaken and drop. In mild to moderate cases of POP, there can be few symptoms. However, in moderate to severe cases, a woman's pelvic organs can actually drop, or prolapse, into the vaginal canal. This can cause various complications.
The leading causes of POP are pregnancy and childbirth. However, there are other factors that can exacerbate POP, such as smoking, excessive weight and a genetic predisposition.

Postpartum Wellness and Pelvic Organ Prolapse Prevention
There are simple steps women can take to promote postpartum wellness and reduce the chances of developing conditions such as Stress Urinary Incontinence and/or Pelvic Organ Prolapse. Some of these steps include:
Living Well: Since two risk factors associated with POP include excessive weight and smoking, lifestyle choices can work to keep pelvic tissues nourished and strong. Eating well, getting regular exercise and quitting unhealthy habits — such as smoking — can ensure women are doing all they can to promote optimal health.

 Exercises for the Pelvic Floor: Most women are familiar with Kegel exercises and may have even done them a time or two. However, daily exercises can make the difference between maintaining a strong pelvic floor and having a history of incontinence and POP.
Recent studies have proven that it's never too early to start doing Kegel exercises. Pregnant women who do daily Kegels throughout their pregnancy are significantly less likely to develop incontinence during the third trimester. Observing this practice every day beyond childbirth will continue to keep pelvic floor muscles strong.

Postpartum Wellness Protects Women from Risky Surgeries
One of the most common methods for treating moderate to severe cases of POP uses a medical device called transvaginal mesh. While transvaginal mesh can successfully treat the symptoms of POP, it has been linked to thousands of cases of serious health complications. In fact, there have been so many devastating results due to transvaginal mesh surgeries, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued multiple health warnings about the device. Also, hundreds of women have filed transvaginal mesh lawsuits.
Any woman diagnosed with POP should talk to her doctor about the full spectrum of treatment options available. It's important to choose the treatment that poses the least risk. Better yet, by observing overall health and exercise guidelines, postpartum women can avoid POP altogether.

Elizabeth Carrollton writes about defective medical devices and dangerous drugs for Drugwatch.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Breastfeeding Awareness Month!

I am presenting information on how the placenta aids in milk quality and production tomorrow at the Salt Lake City Library from 10:00-11:00 a.m. This entire month there are lots of presenters and information available on many aspects of breastfeeding. For more info google the Breastfeeding Cafe 2012.

Amazing Results

I wish all expectant moms could have my perspective on the invaluable benefits of placenta ingestion. I just helped a woman who had an unusual condition in which the umbilical cord implanted into her uterine wall (Velamentous Insertion). This prevented her body from being able to birth the placenta after delivery so the doctor had to tear out the placenta piece by piece causing severe bleeding. She drank the fruit smoothie I made her with a small piece of raw placenta in it and her bleeding quickly became minimal to the amazement of the medical staff.

Mothers who consume their placentas enjoy rich and plentiful milk supply, significantly less bleeding and a very noticeable increase in their energy level and overall emotional well being. I see it time and time again. It is a rare exception that a woman doesn't attest to these fabulous results. No doubt this will soon become common procedure as the truth about natural postpartum healing spreads by word of mouth.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

A Fun Read!

Ladies!  I have several copies of "The Natural Healing Power of the Placenta" written by an experienced midwife. She has seen first hand the remarkable benefits of placenta encapsulation.  This little book is full of personal stories and helpful information.  It's very enjoyable and a must for every mother, midwife and maternal health care professional. I will sell my copies for only $13.00 while supplies last. Otherwise you may purchase them online at: for $15.00.

History Lesson

Many world cultures have revered the placenta as sacred for centuries, assigning specific burial procedures and ceremonies for the handling of it. Let’s work together to develop American placenta traditions based on intelligent study and intuitive response. We need to courageously establish practices that allow birth to be all that Nature intended.

Western medicine has mistakenly devalued the placenta as “medical waste.” The tide is quickly turning as more and more moms are utilizing their placentas through encapsulation, salves, and tinctures for health benefits. Natural postpartum healing from the placenta includes:
*lessening of baby blues
*increase of milk production
*increased energy
* lessening of postpartum bleeding
*uterus contraction

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Powerful Little Pills!

Hey Moms, remember when you dip into your extra stash of placenta capsules months later that they still pack a powerful punch. My daughter was feeling a bit down the other day so she popped a capsule hoping to elevate her mood and the next day she found herself engorged with milk. Not too bad of a problem because now she has emergency milk in the freezer (not to mention she feels great again). But just a reminder that the biological elements your placenta produced and secreted in utero with the intention to heal you and feed your baby at delivery are still viable for a yet undetermined amount of time afterwards.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Something to Think About...

Do you realize that the placenta is the only meat produced from life and not from death?